Faculty Bylaws

Faculty Bylaws


The faculty of the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell is responsible for promoting and facilitating the continuum of activities from basic science to clinical science to clinical care, with the goal of using knowledge to enhance the care, prevention, and cure of disease for the population served by the Zucker School of Medicine.  Appointments to the faculty are based on scholarship, defined inclusively as the acquisition, application, integration, and broad dissemination of knowledge and understanding; the criteria for appointment and promotion are based primarily in the areas of research, teaching, and clinical care, while also recognizing the importance of administrative service and leadership to the mission of the School of Medicine. 

The School of Medicine is distinct among the schools at Hofstra University with regard to the role of faculty, and in particular, the important contributions of faculty members who are not employed full-time by Hofstra University, but who are directly involved in and critical to the mission and success of the School of Medicine. As a result, the Faculty Statutes and the Faculty Policy Series applicable to other Hofstra University-employed faculty do not apply to faculty at the School of Medicine, and it is appropriate and necessary to set forth the guiding principles for faculty at the School of Medicine in these bylaws. 


1.1 – Academic Freedom.
The faculty of the School of Medicine shall participate in University governance as outlined below, and all faculty members shall enjoy the academic freedom and free speech principles embodied in the Faculty Statutes and Faculty Policy Series. 
1.2 – University Governance. 
All full-time faculty members employed by Hofstra University in the School of Medicine and all department chairs shall participate as members of the faculty in the University governance structure. The School of Medicine faculty shall designate one (1) faculty member to serve on the University Senate.  
1.3 – Faculty Fringe Benefits. 
A.  Hofstra Employees.  
Full-time School of Medicine faculty members employed by Hofstra University shall be accorded certain fringe benefits enjoyed by other members of the Hofstra University community, including the University pension contribution plan (Section 403(b) plan); healthcare coverage (subject to contribution levels as applicable to administrators); life insurance benefits; tuition remission and tuition scholarship benefits (subject to the University's rules and regulations governing such benefits); and will be eligible to join other benefit plans, including flexible spending accounts for medical expenses and childcare and pretax commuter benefits account.
B.  Non-Hofstra Employees.
The rights and privileges accorded to faculty members who are not employees of Hofstra University do not convey any financial benefits or impose any financial obligations on Hofstra University's part to any individual. 
1.4 – School of Medicine Governance.  
Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors (including chairs and administrators with faculty status) shall participate as members of the School of Medicine faculty with the rights and privileges as set forth in these bylaws.   
1.5 – School of Medicine Policy Application.
The School of Medicine, formed through a full partnership between Hofstra University and Northwell Health, is an academic unit of the University. All policies that affect students and faculty of the School of Medicine, but do not involve patient care, are approved by the President of the University. In all matters regarding patient care, the faculty and students of the School of Medicine are governed by the policies of Northwell Health, where patient care is delivered. Faculty Policy Series 43, Harassment Policy; Faculty Policy Series 45, Statement of Mission and Goals; Faculty Policy Series 47, Policy on Personal Relationships between Faculty/Other Employees and Students; and Faculty Policy Series 99, A Code of Professional Responsibility for Faculty, as well as other general University policies governing all employees, including but not limited to the Conflict of Interest and Employee Misconduct (whistleblower) policies, shall apply to all administrators, faculty, and staff in the School of Medicine. In addition, Northwell Health employees shall continue to be governed by Northwell Health rules and policies. 


2.1 – General. 
The Faculty Council shall consider all academic and other significant matters related to the faculty and to the operation of the School of Medicine and the academic community. The Faculty Council shall ensure representation of the faculty in the governance and policy-making processes of the School of Medicine, and shall make recommendations to the Dean regarding appointments to the at-large faculty positions for all standing committees. 
2.2 – Composition. 
The Faculty Council shall include broad representation of the faculty. There shall be at least one (1) representative from each department, and departmental representation shall be proportional based upon the number of faculty members in the department (ranging from one (1) to five (5) representatives per department). In addition, there shall be six (6) at-large members.
2.3 – Term.
Members shall serve a two (2)-year term, with up to one (1) renewal term. Terms shall be staggered so that one-third (1/3) of the members are appointed each year. Members shall be eligible for a new appointment following a one (1)-year lapse in service.  The limitation upon consecutive terms shall not apply to members currently serving as officers.
2.4 – Officers. 
Officers, including a President, Vice President, and Secretary, shall be elected from the membership and shall serve two (2)-year terms.
2.5 – Steering Committee. 
There shall be a Steering Committee of the Faculty Council composed of the officers and the chairs of any Faculty Council committees. 
2.6 – University Senate. 
The Faculty Council shall designate one (1) of its members to serve as a representative to the University Senate. 
2.7 – Bylaw Recommendations. 
The Faculty Council shall review and recommend any changes to these bylaws.


3.1 – General. 
The Dean shall appoint a cabinet, called the Dean’s Advisory Group (DAG), to provide advice and recommendations regarding the strategy and operations of the School of Medicine. The DAG shall be advisory and shall include the senior leadership who represent multiple functional areas of the School.
3.2 - Meetings.  
The Dean shall schedule periodic meetings of the DAG to solicit input and advice. 


4.1 – Standing Committees.  
A.  Faculty Service. 
The faculty shall participate in the standing committees as outlined below and in such ad hoc committees as the Dean shall appoint to make recommendations to the Dean and senior administration of the School of Medicine. Unless otherwise specifically stated, all committees are advisory to the Dean. All full-time and voluntary faculty members are eligible to serve on committees. With the advice of the Faculty Council, the Dean shall designate committee members and chairs so as to ensure appropriate representation of the faculty in the standing committees as outlined below.
B.  Committee Procedures. 
Committee chairs shall schedule regular meetings of the committee and shall make written recommendations as appropriate. Committee chairs shall report on the business of the committee to the Faculty Council and the Dean as appropriate.
C.  Term.
Unless otherwise stated, all committee terms shall be for staggered three (3)-year, once renewable terms, with one-third (1/3) of the committee members appointed each year. 
D.  Standing Committees Designated. 
The following standing committees of the faculty shall be established, with the duties and responsibilities as outlined in these bylaws. The committees that make recommendations on faculty matters shall include the Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee, Committee of Combined Chairs, and Faculty Grievance Committee. The committees that make recommendations on student matters shall include the Curriculum Committee, Admissions Committee, and Student Advancement Committee. There shall also be a Student Council, which shall be constituted as needed and as described below. 
4.2 – Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee. 
A.  Duties. 
The Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee shall make recommendations to the Dean on all matters relating to faculty appointments and promotions that are brought to the committee in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article 5. The Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs shall serve as liaison to the committee and as a non-voting member of the committee.
B.  Composition. 
The Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee shall be composed of:
1. A chair and no fewer than twenty (20) members, with no fewer than fourteen (14) at the rank of Professor, selected by the Faculty Council;
2. Up to six (6) members at the rank of Associate Professor selected by the Faculty Council, who may only hear matters relating to Associate and Assistant Professors.
4.3 – Committee of Combined Chairs. 
A.  Duties.
The Committee of Combined Chairs representing all academic departments at the School of Medicine shall consider and advise the Dean on strategic planning related to education, research, and patient care for the School of Medicine. Committee members shall also communicate matters related to these strategic issues to the members of their respective departments. 
B.  Composition.
The Committee of Chairs shall consist of the chairpersons of all basic science and clinical departments of the School of Medicine.
4.4 – Faculty Grievance Committee.
A.  Duties. 
The dean shall empanel a Faculty Grievance Committee as needed. The committee shall hear such matters as may be referred to it by the Dean, including complaints involving a faculty member. The committee shall conduct such hearings and proceedings as are necessary to make a written recommendation to the Dean. 
B.  Composition. 
The Faculty Grievance Committee shall consist of five (5) faculty members, all at the rank of Professor, and committee hearings involving a matter shall be chaired by someone outside the department of the person against whom a complaint has been made. The committee shall also include a faculty representative from the University's Standing Grievance Committee. 
C.  Procedures. 
The Faculty Grievance Committee shall follow the general rules applicable to grievance hearings at the University. The recommendations of the Faculty Grievance Committee shall be submitted to the Dean. 
4.5 – Curriculum Committee.   
A.  Duties. 
The Curriculum Committee shall make recommendations to the Dean on all matters relating to the four (4)-year MD curriculum and matters relating to student academic and professionalism assessment. The Vice Dean and Dean for Education shall serve as liaison to the committee and as a non-voting member of the committee. 
B.  Composition.  
The Curriculum Committee shall be composed of the following:
1. A chair and no fewer than twelve (12) members from the faculty at-large, selected by the Faculty Council;
2. Two (2) faculty educators representing the First 100 Weeks educational program, selected by the First 100 Weeks Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee;
3. Two (2) faculty educators representing the Second 100 Weeks educational program, selected by the Second 100 Weeks Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee;
4.  Two (2) members from each class of the student body, selected by the Student Council; and
5.  Such additional non-voting members from the School of Medicine administration as are appropriate to assist the committee.
4.6 – Admissions Committee. 
A.  Duties. 
The Admissions Committee shall be empowered to take the following actions:
1.  Make recommendations to the Dean regarding the criteria for admission on an annual basis;
2.  Screen and review applications; and
3.  Interview, rank, and select among applicants in accordance with the priorities set by the School of Medicine.
B.  Composition.  
The Admissions Committee shall be chaired by the Associate Dean for Admissions and shall include basic and clinical science faculty, as well as non-physician representatives, in sufficient numbers based upon the projected applicant pool and class size. Additional information about the composition of the Admissions Committee and the rules for its operation are specified in the Policy on the Composition and Authority of the Admissions Committee. 
4.7 – Student Advancement Committee. 
A.  Duties. 
The Student Advancement Committee shall review the academic and professional progress of all students and make recommendations to the Dean regarding academic advancement and graduation requirements. 
B.  Composition. 
The Student Advancement Committee shall be composed of a chair and no fewer than sixteen (16) members from the faculty at-large, selected by Faculty Council and approved by the Dean. In addition, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or designee shall attend committee meetings as a non-voting member, together with such additional non-voting members from the School of Medicine administration as are appropriate to assist the committee.
4.8 – Student Council.
A.  Duties. 
The Student Council shall consider all matters related to student academic and non-academic life, including nomination of student representatives to appropriate standing committees of the School of Medicine. The Student Council shall make recommendations through its officers to the Dean, who may refer such recommendations in the first instance to the appropriate faculty committee for joint review and recommendation.
B.  Composition. 
The Student Council shall consist of three (3) representatives from each class, elected by that class; four (4) council officers elected by the entire student body; and other student representatives as may be appropriate so that all degree programs are represented.
C.  Term. 
Members shall serve a one (1)-year renewable term.
D.  Officers. 
Officers, including a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be elected by vote of the entire student body.


5.1 – Classification of Appointments. 
All full-time faculty members of the School of Medicine shall be classified by the same titles, regardless of the kind of activity, the location, or the nature of financial backing, in recognition of the importance of the different types of academic activities that together are essential to the achievement of the School of Medicine's goals. Other faculty members shall be classified as indicated below. The following sections describe the status and titles of faculty members. 
5.2 – Faculty Ranks. 
Faculty members shall be classified as Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor, as appropriate based upon their qualifications.
5.3 – Faculty Titles.  
The following titles shall be applicable:
A.  Full-time.  
Faculty members with this status are employed by either Hofstra University or Northwell Health and have research, teaching, clinical care and/or administrative service/leadership as their primary commitment to the mission of the School of Medicine. Such faculty members shall be known as Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor, as appropriate, followed by the department name.
B.  Voluntary.  
Faculty members with this status are not employed full-time by either Hofstra University or Northwell Health. They contribute to the academic programs of the School of Medicine, but have a major commitment to professional activity apart from those academic programs. Such faculty members shall be known as Clinical Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, or Clinical Assistant Professor, as appropriate, followed by the department name.
C.  Adjunct.  
Faculty members with this status and title have primary faculty appointments at other medical schools, but actively teach students at the School of Medicine. Such faculty members shall be known as Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, or Adjunct Assistant Professor, as appropriate, followed by the department name.
D.  Visiting.  
Faculty members with this status are scholars visiting the School of Medicine for teaching, learning and/or research activities. Such faculty members shall be known as Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, or Visiting Assistant Professor, as appropriate, followed by the department name. 
E.  Emeritus.  
Faculty members with this status and title have a history of contributions to the School of Medicine, have retired from their professional activities, but maintain an active teaching, advisory, or administrative role.
F.  Affiliate.
Faculty members with this status and title are educators or clinicians that, through their expertise, contribute to the education or health care delivery mission of the institution and the communities it serves.
5.4 – Appointments/Promotions Procedures. 
A.  Appointments. 
All appointments shall be initiated upon recommendation of the department chair and submitted to the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, together with such additional information as the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs shall require. An appointment shall be made upon recommendation of the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs to the Dean, then upon recommendation of the Dean to the President for approval, review by the Joint School of Medicine Board, and final approval by the Board of Trustees.
B. Promotions to Associate Professor or Professor. 
Promotions to Associate Professor or Professor shall be initiated upon recommendation of the department chair, following review by the departmental appointments and promotions committee. Recommendations shall be submitted to the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, who then shall assemble the faculty member's application for review by the School of Medicine Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee. The chair of the Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee then shall submit the committee's recommendation to the Dean, who shall present his/her recommendation to the President, to the Joint School of Medicine Board for review, and to the Board of Trustees for final approval. 
C.  Required Clinical Appointments.
In instances where a clinical appointment is also required by Northwell Health, the academic appointment to the School of Medicine faculty member shall be contingent upon the clinical appointment taking place and remaining in full force and effect. 
D.  Written Guidelines. 
The Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs shall promulgate written guidelines setting forth the criteria to be considered when reviewing candidates for appointment and promotion in all categories.
5.5 – Terms of Appointments.  
A.  Effective Dates.
Appointments shall be for a stated term and are effective following approval by the Board of Trustees. Absent unusual circumstances, appointments shall end on June 30, and reappointments and promotions shall be effective on July 1.
B.  Renewal Period.  
Appointments to Assistant, Associate, and full Professor are generally renewable if appropriate to further the mission and needs of the School of Medicine and provided that the level of continuing contributions justify such renewal. The renewal process shall occur in the last year of the current appointment period and there is no entitlement to automatic renewal. A probationary one-year renewal may be granted at the discretion of the Dean and department chair while a full-term renewal is under consideration.
C.  No Tenure.  
There is no tenure of position, title, or salary at the School of Medicine.
D.  Appointments as Associate Professor or Professor. 
Appointments are for a five (5)-year term. 
E.  Appointments as Assistant Professor. 
Appointments are for a three (3)-year term.
F.   Appointments as Instructor. 
Appointments are for a three (3)-year term and reserved for those who contribute to community-based training of medical students, but do not necessarily hold degrees beyond the bachelor's level or do not otherwise meet the appointment criteria for an Assistant Professor.
G.  Visiting Appointments.
Visiting appointments are generally for up to a one (1)-year term. 
H.  Notice of Reappointment. 
Notification of a decision not to reappoint shall be made at least three (3) months prior to the end of the appointment period. 
5.6 – Dismissal.
A faculty member may be dismissed (or otherwise disciplined) by the Dean for cause, including unprofessional behavior. Faculty appeals and/or grievances related to the dismissal or disciplinary process may be reviewed through the grievance process.


6.1 – Amendments. 
Amendments to the bylaws may originate with any member of the Board of Trustees, the President of the University, or the Dean of the School of Medicine, and shall be reviewed by the Joint School of Medicine Board. Adoption shall require a two-third (2/3) vote of Trustees present at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees provided prior written notice of the proposed amendment was given to all members of the Board of Trustees.

References to Regulations and/or Related Policies:
LCME Element 1.5: Bylaws
LCME Element: 8.1 Curricular Management
LCME Element: 10.2 Final Authority of the Admission Committee

Last Updated: August 2024