Phase II Closeout
Learn more about the closeout of Phase II and the start of Phase III from our Vice Dean, Dr. Samara Ginzburg by viewing the most recent Town Hall.

Visual Representation
Refreshed Curriculum
All the feedback on the macrostructure draft from April 2024 is being synthesized and will be explored during Phase III. A recorded presentation explaining the draft is available for your review.

Phase III: Curriculum Renewal Working Groups
- Skills Summary: Developing a blueprint on how to best express ZSOM’s goal of graduating students who are best prepared for GME in their chosen specialty.
- Advisory Group: Leverage group member expertise and industry knowledge to provide thoughts and counsel on key curricular strategic questions that have emerged from Phase I.
- Curious Questioning Team Co-Chairs: After leading CQ Teams in Phase I, the co-chairs continue to provide counsel in Phase II.

Curriculum Renewal