Getting to Know You

Alexander Cipollone

Say Hello to Alex Cipollone, IT Support Technician, Office of Information Technology!

Tell us a little about yourself...elevator pitch style!
I've been an IT Support Technician at the Zucker School of Medicine since October 2021. I enjoy helping students, staff, and faculty solve tech problems. I like to take courses, earn certifications, and build projects to improve my skills (mostly focusing on programming and web development).

Fun Fact Unique To You
I play five musical instruments and sing. (Guitar is my main instrument). I play lead guitar in two bands. I also recently started my own "one-man band" where I play solo shows and figured out a way to accompany myself.

Favorite TV Show/Movie/Book
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul

Tell Us a To-Do on Your Bucket List
Play guitar at Madison Square Garden

What brought you to the Zucker School of Medicine and the world of higher education?
I saw an opening for an IT Support Technician role here and thought it might be a good fit and a great place to work