Getting to Know You

Emily Ramprasad

Say Hello to Emily Ramprasad, Coordinator, Office of Development & Alumni Affairs!

Tell us a little about yourself...elevator pitch style!
I am a Hofstra alum, graduating in May of 2023 with my BBA in Finance. I look forward to being a part of the team as the new Coordinator for Development and Alumni Affairs. Through this experience, I hope to strengthen my professional and personal development at the ZSOM and build everlasting connections :) Hofstra has been a second home to me as an undergraduate, and I am just so excited to explore this new leadership passion of mine.

Fun Fact Unique To You
I used to take part in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) in all of high school at Tiger Schulmann's. Kickboxing was my favorite form of MMA, as it was a fun way to stay active yet learn self-defense in a disciplined manner. I currently hope to get back on this hobby of mine during my free time :)

Favorite TV Show/Movie/Book
Money Heist

Tell Us Your Favorite Hobbies or a To-Do on Your Bucket List
I definitely would love to travel more in the future. Exploring places such as Paris and Madrid is on my Bucket List, as I have a deep love and passion for the history and beautiful architecture these places hold.

What brought you to the Zucker School of Medicine and the world of higher education?
As a Hofstra alum myself, I believe it is a wonderful opportunity to get a new perspective on the legacy and impact the Alumni of the ZSOM can leave on current students to better support yet prepare for the meticulous demands of the future. Furthermore, to witness the successes and accomplishments of the Alumni of the ZSOM, I believe is a rewarding yet wholesome experience to take pride in at Hofstra!