Clinical Experiences Team
The Clinical Experiences Team is responsible for the administrative planning and implementation of rotations and curricular components occurring primarily during the Second 100 Weeks within the Northwell Health system. Specific responsibilities include the coordination and management of students’ schedules with clinical departments in our core health system sites (North Shore University Hospital, Long Island Jewish Hospital, Cohen Children’s Medical Center, Zucker Hillside Hospital, South Oaks Hospital, Lenox Hill Hospital, and Southshore Hospital). The Clinical Experiences team handle the third year Core Clerkship rotations, known as the Advanced Clinical Experience (ACE), as well as the fourth year Acting Internships (AI) and Electives, known as Preparation for Residency. The Clinical Experiences Team supports students, faculty, ACE clerkship directors, and AI directors with curricular-related tasks.
Lauren Roseman, MSEd
Assistant Director of Clinical Experiences
T: 516-463-7435
F: 516-463-5547
Sunhee An
Program Coordinator
F: 516-463-5547
Roxanne Croll
Program Coordinator
T: 516-463-7499
F: 516-463-5547
Colin Kuntzler
Program Coordinator
T: 516-463-7645
F: 516-463-5547
Michael Parrish
Program Manager
T: 516-463-7531
F: 516-463-5547
Melissa Pawelczak, MD
Associate Dean for the Advanced Clinical Experience
T: 516-463-6338