The Health Sciences Library serves the Zucker School of Medicine and the graduate programs of the School of Nursing and Physician Assistant Studies. The library is the hub for information literacy, connecting students and faculty to comprehensive resources and services which support learning, scholarship, innovation, patient-centered clinical care, and improving the health of the community. Thousands of electronic journals, textbooks, and databases can be accessed 24/7 both on campus and off-site. Spaces for active collaborative learning as well as quiet individual study are found in our dedicated facility on the 2nd floor of the Zucker School of Medicine building. Through in-person teaching sessions and self-directed learning modules, librarians assist students in learning how to retrieve the best evidence from the vast scientific literature, how to distinguish the appropriate resources to answer clinical and research questions, and how to obtain and organize the literature for future use.
The Library is open all hours that the main building is open. The library is for study purposes for all Zucker School of Medicine students and faculty.
Card access to the Zucker School of Medicine building is required during off hours. During staffed hours users may access the reserve collection of print books and receive assistance with literature searches, interlibrary loan requests, and other reference questions.
Staffed Hours
Monday - Friday | 8AM to 5PM |
Health Sciences Library
Zucker School of Medicine Facility, 2nd Floor, North Campus
Saori Wendy Herman, MLIS, AHIP |
Marianna Czeisel, MLS |
Lena Bohman |
Leanna Stager, MLIS, AHIP |
Annette Adomavicius |