ANNOUNCEMENT: Access to the First Aid ebook Collection is no longer available as the product has been sunset by the vendor. Alternative resources are currently being discussed. If you have any questions, please contact
A resource that provides diagnosis, treatment, and management information on the most frequently observed diseases and conditions. Mobile app available.
Academic Works
The Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine Academic Works is a digital repository for gathering and showcasing the scholarly output of the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell and Northwell Health, including the full text of these materials whenever possible.
A collection of electronic textbooks, self-assessment questions and cases on the subject of pain management, critical care and perioperative medicine.
AccessEmergency Medicine
A collection of comprehensive online emergency medicine resources that provide quick diagnosis and treatment answers for a broad spectrum of complaints encountered in the ED.
A collection of books, multimedia, case reviews, and quick references for practicing cardiologists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.
A collection of electronic textbooks and exam review questions published by McGraw-Hill, including Harrison's Online. The resource also includes podcasts and the ability to search for images across all content.
AccessMedicine - Case Files Collection
A comprehensive collection of cases to assist students in learning and applying basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases.
A collection of electronic textbooks, self-assessment questions, lectures, and videos on the subject of neurology.
A collection of electronic textbooks, self-assessment questions, lectures, videos, and images on the subject of obstetrics and gynecology.
A collection of comprehensive online resources that covers the entire span of pediatric practice, from neonatology through adolescent medicine.
A collection of comprehensive online resources that are designed to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education and practice today.
A comprehensive resource for Surgical Education. Includes procedures/operations, textbooks, videos, drugs and more.
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
A database that contains more than 300 video clips of real human anatomic specimens in their natural colors. Unique features include a truly three-dimensional look at anatomy, complex structures built step-by-step and much more.
A growing compendium of online educational programs—including over 150 continually updated virtual patient cases, teaching resources and assessment tools. The library subscription includes Aquifer Pediatrics (CLIPP), Aquifer Radiology (CORE), Aquifer Family Medicine (fmCASES), and Aquifer Internal Medicine (SIMPLE).
Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination
A collection of videos on head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques.
Create a customized bookshelf of journal articles and table of contents for quick browsing of scholarly literature.
Business and Company Resource Center
Data and articles about companies, industries, and business information.
CINAHL Complete
A definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals that provides access to top nursing and allied health journals, evidence-based care sheets, and quick lessons.
A comprehensive medical information service from Elsevier providing fulltext access to over 1,000 textbooks, Clinics of North America, journals, practice guidelines, images and procedures videos, patient education materials, and drug information. Search across all content or filter via format or topic.
ClinicalKey for Nursing
A comprehensive information service from Elsevier providing access to nursing content.
A registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world.
Offers gold standard clinical microbiology publications online for quick and easy access.
The Cochrane Library
A collection of evidence-based medicine databases, including The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews), The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), and more.
A web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The link will provide information on newly registering or connecting an existing Covidence account to the institutional license.
Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care
A project that documents variations in how medical resources are distributed and used in the United States. The project uses Medicare data to provide information and analysis about national, regional, and local markets, as well as hospitals and their affiliated physicians
Dimensions currently indexes more than 90 million journal articles, as well as grants, patents, policy papers, and clinical trials. It also includes Altmetric data on individual publications and support for complex data analysis. To take full advantage of features such as saved searches and data export, please create a free personal account.
DynaMed is a point-of-care resource that provides current, evidence-based information in an easy-to-read format.
A comprehensive, multipurpose, and up-to-date database covering over 29 million indexed records from international biomedical literature, from 1947 (including Embase Classic) to the present day.
Contains articles on 7,000 diseases and disorders as well as the CME non-subscriber version. (Individual registration required)
Endnote Web
A web-based reference organizer and writing solution.
A comprehensive database of articles , reports, conference papers, and other education related materials.
Gale Onefile: Health and Medicine
A database of abstracts and full-text articles from both consumer health and professional level journals and newspapers, plus additional consumer health reference texts.
Google Scholar
Search Google Scholar using the link above for both on and off campus access to full-text articles. Full-text availability is indicated by a "Full-Text@NorthwellHealth" link.
Health Business Elite
Provides full-text coverage of top business, management, and economics journals and periodicals. These valuable publications cover topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales, and more. Select titles include Harvard Business Review, Modern Healthcare, Health Policy and Planning, HR Magazine and more.
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
HCUP includes the largest collection of longitudinal hospital care data in the United States, with all-payer, encounter-level information beginning in 1988. The site includes both multiple databases and software tools and is sponsored by the Agency for He
Health Policy Reference Center
Provides full-text coverage covering all aspects of health policy and related issues. Select titles include Harvard Health Policy and Review, Health Economics, Healthcare Executive, Medicare Compliance and Reimbursement, and more.
Historical Dietary Guidance Digital Collection
A collection of over 900 historical and contemporary federal dietary guidance publications.
Household Products Database
A database of health and safety information on household products from the NIH.
IEEE Xplore
An extensive resource providing full text access to journals, conference proceedings, standards, and transactions in the fields of electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, electronics, and computer science.
A compilation of tools for evidence based practice including calculators, podcasts, and the full text of the Users' Guides to the Medical Literature, the Rational Clinical Examination, and Care at the Close of Life.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)
A collection of peer-reviewed videos of scientific research experiments.
A comprehensive clinical database that provides access to current drug and disease information. Features include drug identification, drug dosing calculation, AHFS content, patient education materials, and more.
LGBTQ+ Source Database
A database that provides full-text coverage for the most important and historically significant literature on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.
LWWHealthLibrary - Clerkship Collection
A collection of electronic textbooks with a focus on clerkship/clinical rotations, published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
LWWHealthLibrary - Medical Education Collection
A collection of electronic textbooks with a focus on medical education, published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
LWWHealthLibrary - OBGYN Collection
A collection of electronic textbooks with a focus on obstetrics and gynecology, published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
LWWHealth Library - Oncology Collection
A collection of electronic textbooks with a focus on oncology, published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
LWWHealthLibrary - Orthopaedic Surgery Collection
A collection of electronic textbooks with a focus on orthopaedic surgery, published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
A collection of medical calculators, equations, algorithms, and scores.
MedCalc 3000 (5 Concurrent Users)
A unique computerized medical reference and tool set available from Stat!Ref that encompasses a wide array of pertinent medical formulae, clinical criteria sets, and decision tree analysis tools.
Comprehensive authoritative consumer health information in English and Spanish with links to other language materials.
Full text articles on drug information, drug interactions, emergency medicine, toxicology "POISINDEX", reproductive risk, and patient education instructions in English and Spanish "Care-Notes".
NCBI Databases
A collection of databases and datasets in the biosciences from the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Nexis Uni
A database that provides fulltext to news, business and legal information.
Nursing eBook Collection
A collection of unique nursing content on everything from clinical guides and evidence-based practice manuals, to practical handbooks and professional growth titles.
Nutrition Reference Center
A collection of unique content on everything from condition-specific diets to dietetics skills and practices written by a world-class team of nutritionists and dietitians.
OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
A compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes.
An essential online resource delivering comprehensive coverage of genes and genetic mechanisms underlying human disease states.
A video-based learning tool. Single sign-on (SSO) access to Osmosis is available under MyApps on the Hofstra portal. For non-SSO access, please use your Hofstra email address.
Pediatric Care Online
A pediatrics portal from the American Academy of Pediatrics
ProQuest: Dissertations and Theses
Database of dissertations and theses from around the world. Content spanning from 1861 to present.
Psychiatry Online
Full text of journals, textbooks, guidelines, and assessment tools published by the American Psychiatric Association, including the full DSM-IV Library.
Database contains abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations in behavioral science and mental health. Journal coverage from the 1800s to the present. Select APA Psycinfo and click OK to start searching
An extensive collection of psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to the behavioral and social sciences research.
Psychology eBook Collection
Psychology eBook Collection covers a massive range of concepts such as clinical psychology, cognitive psychology and cognition, counseling, developmental psychology and evolutionary psychology.
Comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
A web-based repository of medical journal and congress information. Includes information on the impact factor, circulation, time to acceptance, and much more.
RePORT Expenditures and Results (RePORTER) tool ( Former CRISP database)
Database of federally funded biomedical research projects conducted at universities, hospitals, and other research institutions.
Database of citations and abstracts from scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings.
Springer Nature Experiments (formerly Springer Protocols)
A database of reproducible laboratory protocols in the Life and Biomedical Sciences.
A compilation of over 30 biomedical textbooks including the DSM-IV manual, ICD-9 codes, a guide on cultural diversity, and a medical calculator reference toolset.
Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery
A collection of neurosurgery journals and ebook titles published by Thieme.
Thieme MedOne Plastic Surgery
A collection of plastic surgery journals and ebook titles published by Thieme.
Databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases from the NIH.
A comprehensive evidence-based clinical information resource containing topic reviews written by physicians for physicians.
VisualDx is a clinical tool that provides access to over 23,000 peer-reviewed images and concise information for over 1200 diagnoses. This product is fully integrated with UpToDate detailing diagnoses relating to visual conditions and infections.
Visual Library
All images from the AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, as well as more than 1,000 additional online-exclusive images. Available through the multimedia section of Pediatric Care Online.
Web of Science
Provides cross search of several databases including access to Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Expanded) and the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).