The PhD Admissions Committee is a standing committee of the faculty that makes recommendations to the dean regarding the criteria for admission, screens and reviews applications, and interviews, ranks, and selects among applicants for the PhD Program in accordance with priorities set by the School of Medicine.
The PhD Admissions Committee is chaired by the MD/PhD and PhD program director.
The PhD Admissions Committee is composed of faculty members who teach in the PhD program, who may be self-nominated or recommended by the dean, and are vetted and approved by the MD/PhD and PhD program director. PhD program candidates are interviewed by two (2) members of the PhD Admissions Committee. Deliberations on acceptance are made by the PhD Admissions Committee as a whole. The final decision is made by the PhD Admissions Committee chair.
Members of the PhD Admissions Committee must recuse themselves from the screening, interview, presentation, deliberation, and vote (as applicable) about a student with whom they have a conflict of interest, as defined in the Policy on Educational Conflicts of Interest and Recusal.
PhD Admissions Committee meetings are closed, except for invitees. All deliberations are confidential.
References to Regulations and/or Other Related Policies:
Faculty Bylaws
LCME Element 10.2: Final Authority of Admission Committee
Policy on Educational Conflicts of Interest and Recusal