Policy on Dismissal

The Student Advancement Committee may recommend a student for dismissal at any time. The chair of the committee must convey, in writing, the committee’s recommendation of dismissal to the vice dean and dean for education, who will render a decision and notify the student.

Any student who is dismissed will be immediately removed from classes and/or clinical duties. A student who is dismissed may also be restricted from any academic facility or institutional event. Violations of the prohibitions set forth by the School will be taken into account during any subsequent appeal.

Dismissal is noted on the student’s academic transcript. Any course that has not received a final grade at the time of dismissal will receive a designation of Fail (F) on the transcript.

Upon dismissal, all tuition and fees are forfeited, and the student is responsible for paying all unpaid tuition and fees. The failure of the student to pay tuition and fees incurred may result in the University sending the student's account to a collection agency and/or the commencement of legal action to recover such amount.

A student has the right to appeal the decision of the vice dean and dean for education with regard to a committee’s recommendation for dismissal.

References to Regulations and/or Related Policies:
Policy on Federal Satisfactory Academic Standing
Policies on Grading
Policy on Leaves of Absence
Policy on Due Process


Last Updated: February 2025