Policy on Stipends for the MD/PhD and PhD Programs

Students matriculated in the MD/PhD and PhD programs receive a full-tuition scholarship and an annual stipend.

MD/PhD students will receive the stipend for a total of seven (7) years and PhD students will receive the stipend for a total of four (4) years, unless granted an exception by the program director for a longer period.

If an MD/PhD or PhD student experiences the birth or adoption of a child and is the primary caregiver, the student is entitled to six (6) weeks of paid leave, unless granted an exception for a longer period. If the student is a secondary caregiver, they are entitled to two (2) weeks of paid leave, unless granted an exception for a longer period. Any additional time away from the program will be considered a leave of absence.

If an MD/PhD or PhD student takes a leave of absence, the student will not be paid the stipend during the leave and will be responsible for the portion of a stipend they have received for that time period.

Last Updated: March 2023