Narrateur, Reflections on Caring

The 13th Issue of Narrateur, Reflections on Caring, is now available online! Copies of the 13th Issue are available upon request.

Narrateur: Reflections on Caring is an art & literary journal that embodies the school’s commitment to self-expression, compassion and respect for the patient-physician relationship. The art of storytelling is woven into the curriculum of the Zucker School of Medicine as part of its mission to strengthen student self-reflection on the road to becoming critical thinkers and decision makers. 

Narrateur serves as a creative outlet for students, faculty and employees of Northwell Health, Zucker School of Medicine and Hofstra University who wish to make original works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography or art. The literary journal seeks to nurture the voices of all health practitioners as they grapple with the care of their patients, the decisions they must make, their reactions to those decisions, and the outcomes.

Narrateur gives voice to the challenges and the celebrations of patient care. It reflects the practice of medicine on the printed page and provides a home for the health practitioner to express, experience, respect and show compassion for patient-centered care. It is published once a year in the Spring, by the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell.

If you have questions about a potential submissions, or would like to speak with our editor, please contact us at

Click Here to Submit

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