About one45
one45 is a web-based curriculum management system used by the Zucker School of Medicine’s students, faculty, residents and program administrators in conjunction with Canvas. one45 hosts shared curricular materials, course calendars, evaluations, patient logs and more. Students are able to retrieve an individualized course calendar through their mobile device or other calendar services.
More FAQs
How do I log in to one45 using my Hofstra Portal account?
- Visit the My.Hofstra.edu Portal - https://my.hofstra.edu - and enter your Hofstra login credentials.
- Once logged in, visit the "My Apps" section of the portal homepage.
- Click on the one45 icon found in "My Apps" to open the web platform
How do I log in to one45 if I do not have a Hofstra portal login?
- If you have received a one45 evaluation to complete and do not have a My.Hofstra.edu Portal login, you may access your one45 profile directly by visiting https://hofstramed.one45.com/ and clicking on the Login button on the right.
- On the login page, please enter your one45 login information and click Login.
- If you have forgotten your login details, click on “Need help logging in?”, then enter your email address for further one45 password instructions.
- If you are encountering issues with logging in, please contact the School of Medicine’s IT team by emailing medicine.it@hofstra.edu.
You may also contact the Office of Integrated Learning/Clinical Experiences Hotline, 516-463-7575, for assistance.
I am a student and would like to subscribe to my one45 calendar. How can I retrieve my one45 calendar on a mobile device or personal email calendar?
one45 provides support for the following calendaring tools and devices:
- Android devices
- Apple devices
- Google Calendar
- Microsoft Outlook (desktop application)
- Outlook.com (web application)
Please visit one45’s support page on how to subscribe to a one45 calendar.
Does one45 have a mobile app?
At this time, there is no one45 app available in Apple or Android app stores. However, you may access a mobile- friendly version of one45 through your mobile web browser to quickly complete tasks, handouts & links, procedure log forms, and view completed evaluations.
If you have questions about one45 evaluations, assessments, or patient logs, please email the Office of Clinical Experiences or the Office of Educational Data and Analytics.
If you encounter any login issues with one45, please email medicine.it@hofstra.edu.