Educator's Pledge

Preparation for a career in medicine demands the acquisition of a large fund of knowledge and a host of special skills. It also demands the strengthening of those virtues that undergird the doctor/patient relationship, and sustain the profession of medicine as a moral enterprise. This pledge serves both as an agreement and as a reminder to educators that their conduct in fulfilling their obligations is the medium through which the profession inculcates its ethical values.

Duty: Medical educators have a duty not only to convey the knowledge and skills required for delivering the profession's contemporary standard of care, but also to inculcate the values and attitudes required for preserving the medical profession's social contract across generations.

Integrity: The learning environments conducive to conveying professional values must be suffused with integrity. Students learn enduring lessons of professionalism by observing and emulating role models who epitomize authentic professional values and attitudes.

Respect: Fundamental to the ethic of medicine is respect for every individual. Mutual respect between learners, as novice members of the medical profession, and their teachers, as experienced and esteemed professionals, is essential for nurturing that ethic. Given the inherently hierarchical nature of the teacher/learner relationship, teachers have a special obligation to ensure that students and residents are always treated respectfully.

In nurturing both the intellectual and the personal development of students, I celebrate expressions of professional attitudes and behaviors, as well as achievement of academic excellence.

I pledge my utmost effort to ensure that all components of the educational program for students are of high quality and recognize that the School supports high-quality teaching and assessment through the availability of ongoing educational skills development programs.

I am committed to ensuring both patient and student safety and understand the requirement for appropriate student supervision in the clinical setting.

I respect that students have the right to review and challenge their educational records.

I respect the School's authority over academic affairs and the education/assessment of medical students, and in doing so, pledge to remain knowledgeable of the School's technical standards, educational program objectives, course/clerkship-specific learning objectives, required clinical encounters and skills, and assessment methods.

As a mentor for our student colleagues, I maintain high professional standards in all of my interactions with patients, colleagues, and staff and disclose any conflicts of interest if they arise.

I respect all students as individuals, without regard to gender, race, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation; I will not tolerate anyone who manifests disrespect or who expresses biased attitudes towards any student.

I pledge that students will have sufficient time to fulfill personal and family obligations, to enjoy recreational activities, to obtain adequate rest, and remain safe in the educational and work environment; I monitor and, when necessary, reduce the time required to fulfill educational objectives, including time required for "call" on clinical rotations, to ensure students' well-being and safety.

I will not tolerate any abuse or exploitation of students. I encourage any student who experiences mistreatment or who witnesses unprofessional behavior to report the facts immediately to appropriate faculty or staff members; I treat all such reports as confidential, and do not tolerate reprisals or retaliations of any kind.

In fulfilling my own obligations as a professional, I pledge to assist our fellow students in meeting their professional obligations, as well.

I hereby verify that I have read and understand the enclosed:

____(Initial) The technical standards, educational program objectives, course/clerkship-specific learning objectives, and required clinical encounters and skills.

____(Initial) The Educator’s Pledge and the policies referenced therein.

Signature:__________________________________ Date:______________

References to Regulations and/or Other Related Policies:
Cohen JJ. Our compact with tomorrow's doctors. Acad Med. 2002;77:475-480.
LCME Element 3.4 Anti-Discrimination Policies
LCME Element 3.6: Student Mistreatment
LCME Element 4.5: Faculty Professional Development
LCME Element 5.7: Security, Student Safety, and Disaster Preparedness
LCME Element 6.1: Program and Learning Objectives
LCME Element 6.2: Required Clinical Experiences
LCME Element 8.8: Monitoring Student Time
LCME Element 9.1: Preparation of Resident and Non-Faculty Instructors
LCME Element 9.3: Clinical Supervision
LCME Element 9.9: Student Advancement and Appeal Process
LCME Element 10.2: Final Authority of the Admission Committee
LCME Element 10.5: Technical Standards
LCME Element 12.4: Student Access to Healthcare Services
LCME Element 12.5: Non-Involvement of Providers of Student Health Services in Student Assessment/Location of Student Health Records
Course/clerkship specific learning objectives and required clinical encounters 
Guideline on Educational Skills Development for Faculty Members
Policy on Educational Conflicts of Interest and Recusal
Policy on Educational Skills Development for Residents
Policy on Emergency Preparedness
Policy on Essential Capacities for Matriculation, Advancement, and Graduation
Policy on Student Access to Educational Records
Policy on Student Access to Health Services
Policy on Appropriate Treatment of Learners 
Policy on Nondiscrimination
Statement of Professionalism