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MD Program:Years 3 & 4

Academic Success

Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Medicine and Surgery Ambulatory Acting Internships

The Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Practice and Surgery Internships are 4-week clinical experiences that allow the Acting Intern (AI) to assume primary responsibility for patient care under the direct supervision of an attending physician. The overall goal is to fully integrate the AI into the medical team and to foster independent learning to bridge the gap between the acting internship and the first year of residency training. We provide an educational road map for deliberate learning so that, by the conclusion of the rotation, the AI has acquired ample medical knowledge, skills and personal and professional qualities and attitudes that will allow him/her to succeed in residency and beyond.

General questions can be submitted to somprepres[@]

  • Acting Internship: Goals


    • To equip students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to enter internship and succeed in residency training.
    • To provide students with a progressive level of responsibility for caring for an increasing number of patients, under the direction and supervision of a resident and an attending physician.
  • Clinical Presentations

    By interacting with patients, student accomplish the following:

    • Describe an approach to evaluating a patient with the "clinical presentation"
    • Describe the differential diagnosis for a patient presenting with the "clinical presentation"
    • Describe the historical features, epidemiology of disease physical exam findings, diagnostic strategies and treatment for the most common diagnoses associated with the "clinical presentation"
    • Compare and contrast illness scripts
    • Describe prevention strategies for patients presenting with the "clinical presentation"
    • For procedures, demonstrate the ability to perform the procedure and to know the indications, contraindications

    Clinical Presentations
    A: Assist               P: Perform

    • Nosocomial Infection (P)
  • Assessment Methods
    Assessment Methods

    Students are assessed in a variety of ways to generate a grade in the Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Medicine and Surgery Ambulatory Acting Internships. As a faculty member or resident who is responsible for supervising a student, you will be expected to complete a “Clinical Assessment of Student” form. The questions/anchors can be found on the Second 100 Weeks assessment page.

Curriculum Cards