- Academic Advancement and Graduation
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Status
- Alternative Clinical Site Assignment
- Annual Enrollment Compliance
- Appropriate Treatment of Learners
- Attendance and Punctuality in the FOW
- Attendance in the Second 100 Weeks
- Audio and Video Recording in Learning Sessions
- Change in Program for Dual Degree Students
- Clinical Supervision
- Communication
- Composition and Authority of the Curriculum Committee
- Composition and Authority of the Student Advancement Committee
- Confidentiality of Student Education Records
- Dismissal
- Dissertation Research in the MD/PhD and PhD Programs
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Due Process for Academic Adverse Action
- Educational Conflicts of Interest and Recusal
- Equal Access to the Educational Program
- Essential Capacities for Matriculation, Advancement, and Graduation (Technical Standards)
- Essential Capacities for Matriculation, Advancement, and Graduation for PhD Students (Non-Academic Standards for PhD Students)
- Examination Review
- Assessments
- Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress for the MD Program
- Grade Appeals
- Grade Appeals in MD/PhD and PhD Programs
- Grading
- Grading for the Dissertation in the MD/PhD and PhD Programs
- Hofstra's Grounds for Disciplinary Action
- Health Insurance Refunds
- Hofstra's Guide to Pride
- Inclement Weather Procedures
- Leaves of Absence
- Medical Clearance Screening and Required Immunizations
- Medical Education Research
- Medical Student Exposure to Infectious and Environmental Hazards
- Narrative Assessment
- Northwell Health Authorship on Scientific and Scholarly Publications
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogen Control Management
- Photography and Video in Animal Laboratories
- Provision of Timely Formative Feedback and Summative Grades
- Reassessment & Remediation
- Scheduled Time During the First 100 Weeks
- Selectives and Electives
- Statement of Professionalism
- Statement of Professionalism for PhD Students
- Stipends for the MD/PhD and PhD Programs
- Student Access to Education Records
- Student Access to Health Care Services
- Student Clinical and Educational Work Hours in the Second 100 Weeks
- Student Laptops
- Student Safety during Global Health Electives
- Student Transportation
- Tuition Refunds (Withdrawal Impact upon Financial Aid)
- Transcript Guidelines
- Visiting Medical Student Exposure to Infectious and Environmental Hazards
- Withdrawal